Some very useful tips for your workout!

  • How will I pay my dues at the club?

    We have a few ways to make it convenient for you to pay your gym membership fees.

    We’ve partnered with   ABC Financial Services to use the   MYiCLUBonline web portal to provide members access to their account information and enables online gym signup.

    What can I do on MyiCLUBonline?

    • Make a payment
    • Change your billing information
    • Update email, phone bumber, address, and more
    • Print a copy of your membership agreement
    • View and print payment and check-in history

    How do I register?

    • Go to
    • Click the [Register] button under “New user?” (You must have your membership agreement number from the gym)
    • Create you new account and then follow the steps
    Membership payments can also be made via   Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from a checking or savings account or via credit/debit card. An EFT payment allows you to remit payment electronically instead of bringing your checkbook, cash, or credit card to the club every month to pay your dues. It is a safe and efficient system that allows payments from your checking or charge account. Many of you are already automatically making a mortgage, insurance, car and other payments that regularly come due. This very common method of monthly payments basically sends a message to your bank requesting they transfer the dues amount on or about the 5th or 20th of each month, whichever you choose.

    You can also make a full year’s payment up front, if you choose. At the end of the year’s time, prepaid members will pay for the next full year or will automatically continue on a month to month basis after the pre-paid term has expired (which will use our EFT program and will pay the prevailing monthly dues at that time). To cancel, one-month full advance written notice to the club and all other procedures apply. Pre-paid Annual Accounts are non-refundable.

    Talk to our staff at the gym and they’ll help you figure out which payment option is right for you.

  • How can I be sure that my EFT payments have been made? Do I get any kind of receipt after I have transmitted electronically?

    Your EFT payments will appear on the account statement you receive from your bank or Credit Card Company. Remember, you must have sufficient funds available to complete the EFT transaction.

  • How do I cancel?

    Giving a full 30 day advance written notice to the Club will terminate EFT transfer or automatic annual renewal. The member must complete the resignation form at the club in person or via e-mail. After the Club’s written acknowledgment of such voluntary resignation, the member shall not be subject to any further dues or other charges. If written notice is received past the required one-month notification the member will be required to full payment of the subsequent month’s dues. The resignation will be effective when the gym has received all required payments. Under no circumstances will cancellations be granted retroactively.

  • Is this Secure?

    We will employ all reasonable security procedures to ensure that transaction sets, notices and other information specified in enrollment forms that are electronically created, communicated, processed, stored, retained or retrieved are authentic, accurate, reliable, complete, and confidential. We do not share your information with any other groups.

  • How do I handle a questionable charge?

    If you believe your account is in error or if you have any other membership issues or concerns please call our office at 208-495-3613 or come in to see us during staffed hours and we will be happy to review your account.

  • What if I change my checking account or lose my credit card or it is stolen?

    Report any changes to your checking or credit card accounts immediately to us. Fill out a billing change request form at the front desk.

  • What happens if my dues are returned unpaid from my bank?

    If for any reason your dues are returned unpaid you will be assessed a $20 fee which will be charged to your account. It is the member’s sole responsibility to update account information and payment must be made at the Front Desk. Memberships that have closed accounts will have 15 days to submit new information for EFT payment.

  • If I get injured and cannot use the club what can I do?

    A Medical freeze is approved with written notice from your doctor. All freezes require proper forms are filled out at the club with a copy of doctor’s note, and club approval by the club manager or owner. Your dues will be reduced to $0 per month until the club receives a medical release form from the doctor to return.

  • What if I am unable to use my membership?

    A member may apply for inactive membership twice per the calendar year with the following stipulations: First, the leave must be at least one month, but not longer than 3 months; Second, the member’s dues will be reduced to $10.00 per month for each inactive month; Third, the member must fill out a Freeze form one week prior to their billing date of the 5 or 20 to avoid being charged your next EFT. The Club may, in its sole discretion, approve or reject any application for inactive membership. Members applying for inactive status must be current in their account. Under no circumstances will freezes be granted retroactively.

  • What if I am unable to use my membership or are injured and I paid in full for 1 year?

    Paid in full members may apply for inactive membership or medical freeze once per the calendar year. The leave can be up to 3 months. Medical freeze requires a medical release from doctor to return. Months of leave will be added to the end of your term.

  • What if I am unable to use my membership due to deployment with the military?

    Military members who are deployed may request a freeze on their account to inactive membership at no charge for the term of deployment.

  • Inactive Membership – Membership Freeze

    There are three kinds of inactive membership for members:

    Medical freeze

    A member may apply for an inactive membership based upon a valid medical reason. Members may be required to submit to the Club sufficient proof of such illness or injury. The member will be billed $0 per month for each inactive month.

    Personal leave

    The leave must be at least one month, but not longer than 3 months. The member will be billed $10.00 per month per person for each inactive month. The member must fill out a Freeze Form in advance. Freezes must be made 1 month prior to billing date to avoid being charged the next EFT on the 5th or 20th.

    Annual Member freeze

    Available to freeze up to three months and extend those months to the end of their term.

    Under no circumstances will membership freeze be granted retroactively. There is no pro-ration for partial freezing and we do not backdate freeze periods. The Club may, in its sole discretion, approve or reject any application for inactive membership. Members applying for inactive status must be current in their account.

  • Voluntary Resignation

    A member may resign from the Club at any time by giving one full month’s written notice. The member must complete the resignation form and deliver it in person to the club one month prior to the member’s next billing date to avoid being charged the next EFT on the 5th or 20th. A cancellation form is available at the front desk. After the Club’s written acknowledgment of such voluntary resignation, the member shall not be subject to any further dues or other charges. Such voluntary resignation shall not be deemed effective until after the expiration of A ONE FULL MONTH NOTICE PERIOD and the club has received all required payments by the member to the Club.

  • Member Transfers

    Memberships are transferable. Proper paperwork must be filled out at the club. Both members must be present to generate the transfer. Memberships cannot be transferred back to the original member.

  • Code of Conduct

    • To ensure a comfortable atmosphere, please be courteous and respectful of others.
    • No profanity, insults, or fighting allowed at anytime, anywhere in the club.
    • No shorty shorts or midriff bearing clothing.
    • Wipe down equipment after use.
    • Re-rack weight plates and dumbbells when finished.
    • Let others “work in” or take turns.
    • Do not drop or clang weights.
    • No chalk allowed.
    • Do not come into the gym if you are sick.
    • Please bring any problems to the attention of a staff member.
  • Gym Closure

    Holidays and holiday weekends, the club may be closed or operating at reduced hours. These changes will be posted in advance.

  • Dress Code

    Proper athletic attire is required for all areas.

    • Shirt and shoes must be worn at all times in the gym.
    • Shorty shorts, or halter/bra tops
    • Participants are discouraged from wearing strong perfumes or cologne.
    • Clean, un-torn clothing is mandatory for hygiene and safety reasons. Clothes should be without metal and made of soft cotton/poly blends.
    • Be aware of body odor which can be a problem in the gym. Please use deodorant.
    • Club management reserves the right to determine whether or not attire is unacceptable.

    Footwear must be worn as follows:

    • Non-marking shoes
    • Fitness shoes only
    • No open-toed shoes, thongs, sandals or socks allowed. No street shoes, bare feet or slipper type footwear allowed. Bare feet for stretching & pilates classes only.
  • Damages

    Members will be held responsible for any damage to the gym’s property. Damages to club’s property shall be paid for by any member, member’s guest or dependent children willfully or neglectfully causing the damage.

  • Lost Articles

    Freedom Fitness assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Articles left over 30-days are donated to charity. Do not bring valuables to the club. Prevent theft by always locking belongings away securely. Day use only.

  • Equipment Use

    All equipment must be used as designed. If you are not familiar with the use of equipment, please arrange instruction with a staff member. Instruction is available to members with our personal training staff as a member service by appointment. Members must be familiar with and observe gym etiquette rules. Members and guests damaging club property will be responsible for any expense incurred. The management reserves the right to terminate membership to anyone who refuses to observe the rules or regulations of the club, abuses equipment or shows disrespect to other members and staff.

    Wipe down your equipment completely when finished. Use a machine rag and spray bottle to clean areas you have touched or perspired on. Please bring your own sweat towel to carry with you throughout your workout to avoid sweat dripping all over machines and floors. You should stay towel dry and not drip sweat on equipment and throughout the club. Change your t-shirt if it becomes soaked with sweat.

    Please pick up after yourself when you are done. Return Fit balls, mats, and all extra equipment to original area.

  • Minors

    Children 12-14 are allowed to use the facility supervised in a youth program or class, with a personal trainer, or with an adult after an orientation with an instructor. Children under 12 years of age must be signed into Freedom Kid’s Cove and must remain there until released by parental signature. Children cannot be left unattended outside the club or in parking area and must have adult supervision at all times.

  • Locker Room

    Please observe modesty in this environment.


    The Saunas are sensitive environments. Do not wear street clothes or shoes in the saunas. For sanitary hygiene, please use a clean towel to sit on. No food allowed. Do not put sprays in Saunas. Do not dry clothes or towels in the sauna. Please be respectful of others and avoid loud conversations in the rooms. Do not pour water over the sauna heaters – it is a dry sauna.


    Lockers are for day use only. Please bring your own lock. Freedom Fitness is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Locks left on lockers overnight will be removed. Bags cannot be left on workout area floors, please use lockers.

  • Smoking, Food & Drinks

      Smoking is not allowed inside or around the outside of the facilities at any time.

      Food consumption is limited to front entry or outside. No food in locker rooms or workout areas.

      Drinks and water can be taken into the club in non-breakable, spill-proof containers.
  • Weapons

    Firearms or weapons are not allowed in the club at any time.